Market Analysis
Premium products
Develop Independent schools in the best location for your strategy
Demand Analysis: Understand unmet demand for specialist provisions across Local Authorities.
Competition Review: Compare school capacity, pupil numbers, and provision levels across regions.
Cost Insights: Benchmark average cost per pupil paid by LAs.
Workforce Pay Benchmark: Analyze teacher salaries and staffing costs across schools for effective budgeting.
Custom Selection: Choose specific Local Authorities based on pupil needs, school availability, and budget considerations.
Tailored Insights: Filter regions to focus on those with the greatest challenges or opportunities for growth.
Targeted Planning: Prioritize areas for action by selecting LAs with high pupil demand, available capacity, or significant cost variations.
Demand Projections: Visualize future pupil needs across regions, helping you stay ahead of changing demands.
Optimal Location Recommendations: Discover the best locations to expand or allocate resources, matching demand with available capacity.
Strategic Planning: Use data-driven insights to guide where and how to invest in new provisions for maximum impact.